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  • Faculty of Law: Doctoral study program in the field of social sciences, the subject of law

Faculty of Law: Doctoral study program in the field of social sciences, the subject of law

Doctoral study program in the field of social sciences, the subject of law The doctoral study program at the Faculty of Law is a general program in law and can provide education in all legal and law-related topics. At the same time, it is personalized, as it adapts to the individual doctoral candidate with respect to the language and research topic through the candidate’s personal study plan. Even in the pre-registration phase, the candidate freely chooses courses and seminars from an extensive list, with an option to enroll in the courses from other institutions instead.

Since the program is strongly research oriented, the candidate also develops the framework for the proposed doctoral research, plans the stay at a foreign research institution, and projects the publication of papers and participation in conferences. From the very beginning, the doctoral candidate enjoys the support of the chosen mentor who are by our alumni exceptionally high at 4.91 on a scale of 1 to 5. In order to assure a direct and individualized approach to our doctoral students, their number in the program is limited to excellent and truly motivated ones, with equal openness to those from the academic community and the public or real sector. Together with them, we have built an integrated scientific community characterized by high academic standards, diversity, dynamism, enthusiasm, and cooperation. According to the our alumni survey, our program particularly contributes to the personal development of the doctoral candidates, the acquisition of an important component of their job market qualification, and scientific research.

In addition to a highly developed research infrastructure and a stimulating research environment, the Faculty of Law offers each doctoral candidate continuous specialization and support in academic development, especially through scientific research mobility and communication of research results. December is thus reserved for RIDOC: the Rijeka Doctoral Conference, which in its previous session hosted 55 selected doctoral students from around the world. In addition to being unreservedly recommended by all our alumni, the national re-accreditation of doctoral studies confirmed that for all those who wish to earn a PhD in a legal topic, the Doctoral study program at the Faculty of Law in Rijeka is the first choice in Croatia.

Basic information

Admission requirements

Enrollment dynamics/dates

Tuition fee and payment method

More information

Our doctoral students

Research questions/hypotheses addressed in defended doctoral theses

Ažurirano 09.10.2023.

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